Recently updated figures of section-wise COTPA violations in
the Kerala police website for the period January - December2013 brings out that the Kannur police have recorded the maximum number of
12,647 challans, across 14 districts of the state.
This assertive police action for the sake of public health
has also brought in Rs 2,559,000 to the coffers during the period.
Some of the key provisions of COTPA include,
prohibition of smoking in public places
(Section 4); prohibition of all forms of direct/indirect advertisement,
promotion and sponsorship of tobacco
products (Section 5); prohibition of sale of tobacco products to minors and
within a radius of 100 yards of educational institutions (Section
6 a & b); and mandatory depiction of specified health warnings on
all tobacco products (Section 7).
The most promising action has taken place
against public smoking, where the year total of number of persons fines/challaned
is 12,606, at an average 1,000 plus
challans and an average Rs 213,250 as fines a month.
Congratulating the district police force, Dr
Balasubramanian, Director, Malabar Cancer Centre
(MCC) here said, “Recent studies
conducted in Kerala have shown that implementation of COTPA is a critical
factor in bringing down use of tobacco, a grave threat that disables and kills
many. Police has an important and integral role to play in implementing and
enforcing COTPA and it is heartening that the Kannur police has set a worthy
example for all. The role of the district police is curbing smoking in public
places, especially cinema theatres, is highly commendable.”
Dr Balasubramanian also requested
the police to tighten vigil around educational institutions to prevent
youngsters from getting into this addictive habit.
Kerala findings of the Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS
2009-10) of the Union Ministry of Health & Family Welfare and the World Health
Organisation show that a worrisome 18.6% are initiated to the smoking habit
below 15 years of age. Another 27.5% are initiated to this dangerous habit
between the ages of 15 and 17.
Kannur District Police Chief Shri PN
Unnirajan IPS said, “It is a matter of happiness that the district police force
has been able to make a significant contribution towards protecting the public
from the harmful effects of tobacco by strictly enforcing COTPA. All our
officers are sensitised on the law and we will continue to step up efforts in
this regard. We have also been motivating the public to keep away from this
dangerous product. Along with Section 4, we will also intensify action against
those displaying tobacco advertisements and those found selling tobacco
products around educational institutions.”
After Kannur, Ernakulam Rural takes the second
position in Kerala, with 11,560 challans during the period January-December
2013, netting Rs 2,106,000 as fines.
Image courtesy: http://www.ceo.kerala.gov.in/maps.html