Tobacco Free Kerala, a coalition led by Regional Cancer Centre, joined hands with Swasthi Charitable Foundation to to initiate a state-wide school based cancer awareness programme on World Cancer Day.

Organising Secretary, Santhigiri Ashram Swami Gururetnam Jnana Thapaswi who presided over the function said that similar cancer awareness programmes would be conducted in educational institutions across Kerala.
Director of Public Instruction Shri A Shajahan exhorted students to keep away from tobacco products as they are proven to be a major cancer-causing factor. “Smoking and tobacco chewing might seem heroic to students, but they result in endless misery. Around 45 per cent of cancers are attributed to tobacco use.”
Shri Shajahan also told students about the efforts taken by the Government and his department for tobacco control efforts. Committees have been formed at the state, district and school level for implementing the Government’s intent of strict monitoring of tobacco use among students. “The Committees at the school level, which also has representation from the police and PTA has been authorised to ensure that no tobacco products are sold around schools,” he added.
Shri Palode Ravi MLA; Shri Pirappancode Murali Ex MLA; Principal Secretary IT Shri PH Kurien; well-known novelist Dr George Onakoor; noted film actor Shri Jagadish, playback singer Shri G Venugopal and a host of other dignitaries were present. Shri Jagadish and Shri Venugopal enthralled the school children with their lilting melodies.
Prof. & Head, Community Oncology Dr Remani Wesley; Addl Prof., Surgical Oncology, RCC Dr Paul Augustin and Asst Prof., Community Oncology Dr R Jayakrishnan collectively answered student queries on cancer.
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