The musician behind many a hits launched the online petition campaign #LivesBachaoSizeBadhao in Kerala on ‘No Smoking Day’ today and signed it live before the media and tobacco control advocates, signalling the need for mass public support.
The online petition appeals to the Hon’ble Union Minister for Health & Family Welfare Shri JP Nadda on behalf of 27-year-old tobacco-induced oral cancer victim Sunita to implement larger picture warnings on tobacco products. The campaign mounted on is available at
Likening tobacco control efforts to music of goodness and health, Shri Jayachandran, in his post-launch interaction said, “The increased use of cigarettes and tobacco products among youth is worrying. Starting with cigarettes and tobacco, youngsters are soon lured into use of drugs. The society has an obligation to protect younger generation from the use of tobacco products.”
Shri Jayachandran also expressed solidarity and strong support to the movement for a tobacco-free Kerala.
Dr Paul Sebastian, Director, Regional Cancer Centre and Vice Chairman of Tobacco Free Kerala, which is driving this campaign in the state said, “The online campaign is an extension of on-the-ground campaign in which over 900 signatures were amassed from a cross-section of society across all 14 districts in just two weeks. Pictorial warnings are a cost-effective means to communicate the harms of tobacco use. It has been demonstrated that picture health warnings are more effective than text-only warnings; it effectiveness increases with the size of pictorial warnings.”
Dr Sebastian also acknowledged and thanked the support of medical community and management of Regional Cancer Centre here; Malabar Cancer Centre, Kannur and Baby Memorial Hospital, Kozhikode, officers and staff of HLL Lifecare Limited, Trivandrum besides teachers, students, media representatives and the public for wholeheartedly participating in the campaign to bring down tobacco use in our state and country.
Dr PG Balagopal, Addl. Professor, RCC said, “Nearly a quarter of Kerala’s adult population use tobacco in any form, potentially increasing their risk to life-threatening diseases including cancers, heart attacks, and stroke. Large pictorial warning on tobacco product packs will inform and prevent prospective customers – children and youth – from initiating and getting addicted to tobacco use.”
On 15 October 2014, the Government of India brought a notification requiring tobacco-manufacturing companies to devote at least 85 per cent of the surface areas of all tobacco products packages on both sides for text and picture depiction of the statutory warning, ‘Tobacco Kills’ and ‘Smoking Kills’.
Cricketer Rahul Dravid has applauded the Government of India for mandating 85% pictorial health warnings on tobacco product packages. This has elevated India from 136th position in the Global Cigarette Package Health Warnings Ranking to second place.
Shri S Jayaraj, State Coordinator, Tobacco Free Kerala also spoke.
To sign the petition, click here
To sign the petition, please visit